Male Infertility

Tips For Dealing With Male Infertility

Male infertility is perhaps one of the most frightening medical conditions that adult males may deal with. If you hope to have a family of your own, the thought that you'll be unable to reproduce can be harrowing. It can present a lot of stress within your relationship or marriage as well. Rather than let the issue bring you down completely however, there are a few steps you need to take in order to either fix the issue or come to terms with it. Here are a few key steps to help get you on the right path:

1 - Seek Out Medical Help

First and foremost, you need to consult with a doctor for clarification on the nature of your infertility. It's best to have samples taken for testing. This will allow you to determine exactly how bad the problem is and where you can go from there. Otherwise, there are too many unknown variables and far too much guesswork involved. If you want the best chance to find out precisely what's going on and how to turn things around as effectively as possible, a professional diagnosis is absolutely necessary. 

2 - Cut Down On Vices

If you want to start making a positive change before even getting mixed up with doctor visits and the like however, the first place to turn is in cutting back on your vices. Alcohol and recreational drugs can both affect fertility quite dramatically. The same is true of cigarettes as well. If any of these are a regular part of your life, it's time to try cutting back as soon as you can.

Even your diet can affect your fertility! Like the saying goes, you really are "what you eat". Try eating less processed foods, saturated fats, and sweets or snacks with preservatives and lots of chemicals. A cleaner diet will improve your overall health and ability to reproduce considerably. 

3 - Acceptance And Alternate Paths

If you've done everything suggested by your doctor and taken on a cleaner life but are still struggling to reproduce, it may be time to accept that traditional reproduction is merely an improbability. You can keep trying regardless, or start seeking out alternatives. If you really want to be a father, you can consider options such as in vitro fertilization, surrogacy, or even adoption. (The latter is an exceptionally noble cause!) 

No matter what path you take in tackling your male infertility, be sure to talk the issue over with your partner as openly and honestly as possible. As long as they're on the same page and willing to support you, everything can sort itself out for the best in the long run. Though it may seem like a major drawback that effects your manliness and ego, just remember that this is actually quite common. Infertility affects men and women alike; not everyone is able to reproduce successfully, and for some people it may take years or even decades. Try to accept whatever develops with grace and remain as tenacious as possible; this is an easily conquerable ordeal as long as you have a little luck and determination.


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